I'm an award-winning journalist who works for national and global media outlets, brands, and companies. I write, assign, and edit stories about health, nutrition, psychology, personal finance, and travel. I also interview well-known experts, authors, and celebrities for feature-length profiles and ghost-written content. As a consulting editor, I use my experience on staff at multiple print and digital media outlets to ideate, assign, write, and edit meaningful content that inspires readers. I can also optimize that content for SEO.
I'm a writer and an editor.
I've held staff roles at Parenting, Alternative Medicine, Natural Health, and Yoga Journal magazines; I was also executive editor of TotalBeauty.com and YogaJournal.com. Because of my experience writing and editing, I deliver copy editors don't have to spend hours re-working and I craft assignments writers find streamlined. I help media companies and brands create content strategies that wow readers, create compelling calls to action, and build trust with an audience.
“Everyone is a feature story.”
One of my college journalism professors said this, and after 20+ years of reporting, writing, and editing, I know it to be true. I love talking to people, finding their stories, and helping them share those stories. I love weaving facts and expert advice into those stories. And I love helping brands share stories with their customers through multimedia campaigns.